U.S. Government Versus John Lennon.
The U.S. government during President Nixon times placed
former Beatle John Lennon on FBI watchlist. This was true
specifically during the anti war protests days. The singer
apparently associated with members of the Black Panther
movement.This docu provided many anti government stuff
that Lennon engaged in .Mostly harmless . But FBI boss
Edgar Hoover took his involvement in such activities very
seriously. Good film with some original JL songs included.
former Beatle John Lennon on FBI watchlist. This was true
specifically during the anti war protests days. The singer
apparently associated with members of the Black Panther
movement.This docu provided many anti government stuff
that Lennon engaged in .Mostly harmless . But FBI boss
Edgar Hoover took his involvement in such activities very
seriously. Good film with some original JL songs included.